What does it look like after a year homeschooling? This morning's text exchange says it all.
Published March 17, 2021
Fictitious names protect the innocent.

Before I go any further:
But as I said last month, homeschooling is freakin’ tough. This morning's text exchange with parents of my daughter's classmates says it all.
The best part?
These moms have been a lifeline all year and I've never met them.
Mom #1
Oh boy... Ms. Sage is a real professional at avoiding the "are leprechauns real?" conversation. 😂
Mom #2
That's exactly what I was thinking!
Mom #3
Ha! I wish I heard what she said!
Mom #1
She said it was a family conversation and not a school conversation... so get ready everyone!
Mom #4
Oh man.... hysterical
Mom #5
Ha! I've told my kids that they're not real all along and they think I'm lying.
Mom #6
Well leprechauns are definitely real in my house 🙄 ☘️. Try to argue that with Sam.
Mom #4
I was going to say I'm always vague when my kids ask me that stuff... but Jesse has older siblings who tell her all sorts of stuff.
Mom #7
As soon as they get old enough to ask direct questions I feel bad enough lying about Santa. I don't have the energy for leprechauns and the Easter bunny. 😂
Mom #4
Mom #6.
What math are they supposed to be doing?
Mom #7
Great question. I came into the room and Wyatt was watching baseball with Taylor soooo 😑.
Mom #6.
😂 We're doing St. Patrick's Day mystery picture.
Mom #7
He then told me "counting by 10's" but that was pretty fast so we're just doing random activities now.
Mom #5
Adam just told me he had a break until 10 o'clock which I thought was highly suspect so we are doing the mystery picture.
Mom #8
Just coming up for air + reading this entire thread in one sitting and literally laughing out loud! When this darn pandemic is over I say all of us meeting and celebrate survival!
Mom #6
Sam said they're supposed to make a leprechaun trap now? Which conveniently he already made one.
Mom #7
What in the actual F. Wyatt was CUTTING HIS HAIR during the last meeting. I need school to open full time ASAP.
Mom #8
Like I said - we need to celebrate survival!!! Well, if we can make it there...
Mom #7
😂 😂 😂
Mom #6
Does anyone know what they're supposed to be doing? I doubt it's cutting hair.
Mom #7
Basically any of the St. Patrick's Day activities.

Mom #5
So the schedule says reconvene at 10:50 but Adam is saying 11?
Mom #7
Jack also said 11
Mom #4
😂 😂 😘
Oops that was meant to be all laugh faces