Parenting is the hardest but most rewarding job on the planet, right? Some days it’s full-on hard.

Before I go any further:
But this is still freakin’ tough - or maybe I’m missing one of those mom genes of endless energy and patience?!
Winters are brutal - acutely right now for those without power, in a hospital, or grieving the loss of loved ones from COVID or other causes. My heart hurts for everyone in mourning, including close family and friends.
I also empathize with everyone struggling even with an overflow of resources, especially those with young kiddos.
This all reminds me of a book my son (i.e. husband) got me for my first Mother’s Day:
I Don’t Want To Be The Mom Today!
By Laura Park
I don’t want to be the Mom today! I stamp my foot and frown.
Yep, I’ve stomped three times already.
I want to be a princess and wear a silver crown.
Who doesn’t?
I want to choose my breakfast, a million choices, what will it be?
At this point, I’d settle for a bowl of Cheerios if it was breakfast in bed.
I want a short-order cook who is only there for ME.
Five people x 3 meals/day + snacks = soooooooo much cooking + cleaning. It. Never. Ends.
I want to make a great big mess and have syrup in my hair.
Actually, I’ll pass.
I want someone else to clean it up and carry me up the stairs.
Oh wait, I don’t have to clean? Heck yes, I want syrup and sprinkles and whip cream and fruit…
I want to pick out my clothes and wear them backwards and inside out.
Actually, this isn’t far off already. #11monthsandcounting
I want to spend my day outside where I can run and shout.
No screens + no judgement from neighbors? Bring it.
And when I’m tired and the day is done, I want someone to undress me and my bath to be run.
Give me a bubble bath and I’ll give you a happy Mama (I’ve already had one today).
I want to wear cozy P.J.s and have books read to me.
Nothing better than warm pajamas and hearing confidence grow in my children as they learn to read. A beautiful beginning of a lifetime of learning.
I want to dream of tomorrow and all things left to see.
I will always #dreambig, but lately it’s the little things I savor and hope for most - health, happiness, peace of mind.
But when my little one’s arms come up and wrap around my legs, a rush of warmth comes to my heart and comfort to my head.
Every. Time. And in that moment I remember my nine and seven-year-olds will one day hit adolescence and want nothing to do with me. Now is the time to savor the snuggles.
You be the child today my dear, and I’ll be the Mommy instead.
Sweet kiddos - I will love you to the moon and back, always, no matter what. I'm so grateful for all this time we've had together. Your resilience inspires me.
Last week I was reminded that in this chaotic moment of homeschooling, it’s the kids who are the superheroes. No child in the history of children has ever rapidly pivoted from the classroom, made friends from behind a mask, or learned how to navigate online learning at such a young age (I didn’t touch a keyboard until 3rd grade).
My children are amazing.
My children are my greatest teachers.
OK, maybe I’ve got all the mom genes after all.
Rooting for you, especially the parents today :)